No we don't. We find that ASP is best suited to a Windows hosting environment. We only run Linux servers here, so we recommend PHP for all of your scripting language needs.
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Kapcsolódó cikkek
Can I view my site before propagation is finished?
Yes you can. By using the urls in your setup email, you should be able to access your website...
How do I access cPanel ?
In your setup email, we describe one method of reaching cpanel. After your domain propagates to...
How do I backup my entire site in Cpanel ?
Entire accounts can be backed up by doing the following: Go to 'backup', under the 'Site...
How do I backup Mysql Databases in Cpanel ?
Mysql databases can be backed up by doing the following: Go to 'backup', under the 'Site...
How do i upload my files ?
You can upload your files using ftp using the username and password in your setup...
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