Ok, so you want to send your backup over to out server?
1. Log into the cPanel account you are wanting to transfer on the old server.
2. Click on "Backup >> Generate/Download a Full Backup".
3. Select the backup destination to be "Remote FTP Server".
4. Enter your email address for verification, followed by all of the FTP account information for hosting account from your welcome email you received from us.
-Remote Server: new server's IP address
-Remote User: username
-Remote Password: password
Then, click "Generate Backup". This may take some time to backup the files, depending on how large the account is. You should receive an email provided in the above info once it is complete.
5. Now, create a support ticket with the following information:
Please restore the following cpanel account. I have created a full backup and have ftp'd it to the server.
The name of the account to be restored is (insert account name here)
My account info is as follows:
-Remote Server: new server's address
-Remote User: username from email
-Remote Password: password from email
location of backup file: (insert location and file name here(normally root folder))